Reply Code of Conduct

We reserve the right to delete or ban those who we deem to be using replies inappropriately.

When contacting other users:

  • Please treat all other users with courtesy and respect.
  • Do not reply to ads with unsolicited opinions, comments, or judgements about the content of the ads, the price of the item, or the poster themselves.
  • Abusive replies are not allowed. Any replies containing hate speech or defamation are strictly prohibited.
  • All replies to ads must be about what the ad is offering. Replies containing other commercial offers are not allowed on Sellted.
  • Impersonating other users, including supplying fake phone numbers, is not permitted. Those who are found to be doing so may lose the ability to use Sellted.
  • Sellted reserves the right to revoke the ability of any user to reply to ads without notice.

Receiving Inappropriate Replies

If you receive a reply that you feel is inappropriate, please do not reply. If you are using our website, you can report the reply directly to our team to investigate by using the report reply function, which can be found under the ‘More Options’ drop down in the bottom right of the message screen. In this menu you will also find the ability to block the other user.

You can also review other members of the Sellted community using our rating and review system.

If a reply is threatening or abusive, or if you think you are being scammed, you should always speak directly to our support team.
